Social Media Mistakes & How They Affect Your Brand

Mistakes happen. Unfortunately, mistakes made online are public and can sometimes have a negative effect on a brand. We’ve all seen how a small social media error can cause backlash for the big companies – and while your business may be small, it’s still a smart idea to try to avoid certain online blunders.

social media mistakes

To make it a bit easier, we’ve outlined a few common errors that are completely preventable.

Spelling Mistakes – In a recent blog post, we explained how important spelling and grammar are in public social media posts. While not everyone agrees, we stand by that – spelling mistakes can make a business look unprofessional, and can turn off potential clients and customers. So always be sure to spell check, and have someone on-hand to proofread for grammar mistakes. If language isn’t your strong suit, it doesn’t hurt to hire an expert.

Using the Wrong Lingo – If you’re an accounting firm, you probably shouldn’t be using terms like “on fleek” or “bae”. (Though we wish everyone would stop using these altogether. It was almost painful just to type them!) Know who your demographic is, and craft your content accordingly. Online, the right language is everything. Other than visuals, it’s the only way to get your message across. Pretend you were your target audience – would you connect with your brand? What wording would help?

Inconsistent Posting – It may seem unimportant, but consistency is key when it comes to posting. If you normally post 4x per day on Twitter and then go a full month without any updates, it almost looks as though you’ve gone out of business. The key is regularity; find a number that works for you and stick to it as much as possible. Whether it’s two posts per week or five posts per day, stay as consistent as you can.

Doing Too Much Yourself – You’re only human. Don’t spread yourself too thin! Remember that your efforts are best used where you’re most skilled – things like social media, admin, and creative can be outsourced to the experts. And we know how time-consuming and overwhelming social media can be, especially with all the rules we’ve just given you.

Being Everywhere At Once – Remember years ago, when Facebook was the only social media platform anyone cared about? Well, things have changed. A lot. There are so many options, and it can seem like a brand needs to be everywhere to make an impact. But that isn’t necessarily true. It’s best to choose a few platforms that make the most sense for your particular business, and concentrate your content efforts on those.

If you have any questions or concerns about your online strategy, we’re happy to help! Get in touch, and we’ll help you avoid any potential social media blunders.

Founder of the The MediaHaus, Kristen partnered her experience as a writer and social media manager to create marketing strategies for small businesses. She is owned by The MediaHaus Mascot, Daisy.

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