On a few occasions I’ve been asked why I target our services to both businesses and bands – after all, aren’t they completely different markets?

To that, my simple answer is no. Businesses and bands are not so different at all. In fact, when you get right down to it, a band is a business. It’s comprised of people with specific skills who form together to create a new endeavor. It takes work, talent, sacrifice, and (where The MediaHaus comes in) it requires marketing, promotion and branding.

If created for the right reasons, both are passion projects striving for success.


As a small business owner, I partnered my love of music to my interest in business and offer services to both.  To me, it makes perfect sense. Finding long-term success in either venture takes a great deal of work and the right set of tools to get there – and whether you’re starting a band or a business, the basic tools are the same. Your product, service, or music needs to get in front of people. It needs to create interest, be accessible and have the right brand message.

Though a band is its own business, the reverse is not exactly true – but there is one lesson that business owners can learn from musicians working toward their goal: Don’t lose sight of why you started. Remember to enjoy the journey and the work involved. Stay passionate.

The journey to success, for bands and businesses alike, should always be a fulfilling one.