The Negative Effects of Bad Grammar on Social Media

Have you ever followed a business on Twitter, only to be turned off by terrible grammar and bad spelling? You’re not alone.

For those with a social media account, writing skills aren’t just an added bonus – they’re imperative. After all, your social media profiles are often your introduction to the public. You want to make a positive impression.


It does take a certain know-how to craft a message that is concise, personable, and grammatically correct. But these are all all important elements when managing social accounts professionally. If you have a great post to share but you misspell the words and forgo any punctuation, it can make your brand look bad.

I was a freelance writer for many years before I added social media marketing to my resume. Proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation were always a must, as was the ability to form cohesive paragraphs. Those skills are still at the core of my job as a social media manager, and that experience has made a big difference.

But it goes beyond a general handle on spelling and grammar. Online content must be engaging and  specifically adapted to the tone of your business. Between lengthy blog posts and quick 140-character Twitter updates, creativity and writing chops are a requirement. Typos and mistakes happen to everyone (yes, I mean everyone!), but a lack of writing skills are easy to spot.

It’s not uncommon to see ads or posts from marketing managers containing the incorrect “your” or “there”, and improperly spelled words. While these can seem like small mistakes, the poor reflection on your business is considerable. You want the public to focus on what you have to offer – not on these incorrect details.

So no matter who may be handling your online initiatives, always ensure that your brand voice is in good hands. A background in writing is an excellent foundation for social media managers – one that could translate to success for your business.



Founder of the The MediaHaus, Kristen partnered her experience as a writer and social media manager to create marketing strategies for small businesses. She is owned by The MediaHaus Mascot, Daisy.

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