Like many of you, 99.9% of my job is done on computer, a lot of it online. That’s the norm. But unlike the majority of people in my line of work,  I use a couple of tools that are rarely heard of anymore – pen and paper.

For those of you too young or too digitally-inclined to remember what a pen and a piece of paper are, please refer to the photo. Often seen as archaic by our current generation, at one time they were the best vehicle for our words and ideas.

Archaic or not, I stand by them. Every single day I write myself a to-do list for the next morning, and I write these lists in a book; page after page of daily lists. I’ve tried writing these same lists on a mobile app and on my computer, but it’s never as effective as putting pen to paper.  It’s much more satisfying to physically cross a task off my list each time.

For as long as I’ve been writing I’ve often preferred a notebook to a keyboard, save for client projects – there’s something more personal about handwritten words.  And so while my computer has most of my focus throughout the day, I’ll always have a little love for my pen and paper. Some old habits truly do die hard.

But I’d like to hear from you:  Do you still find use for these non-digital tools?